Deconstruct a Video

Today I wanted to “deconstruct” a video to show how there is so much thought put into social media and online video content. The video I will be talking about is on this page by Womens Health. It is an article about the benefits of taking BCAA’s as a supplement while training. The video is halfway down the page and talks about how to read nutrition labels on the foods that we buy.

Strengths and Design: The first thing I noticed was that the video definitely uses the rule of thirds in the layout of the video. The text in each shot takes up about two thirds of the frame, either horizontal or vertical, and the visuals takes up the last one third. Another strength in the video is that there is a lot free flowing white space. There are not blocked corners and the background seems to flow nicely without being choppy. The color scheme is very integrated and simple as well which adds to its appeal. The video is very informative and supplements what the reader is already looking at in the article.

BCAA Article Video CompanionScreen Shot 2018-03-05 at 10.27.14 PM

Weaknesses: One thing I noticed that is a little odd is that the video is about food and health but the colors in the video are not complimentary to that. Blue is not a great color to incorporate into food related subjects because its not an appetizing color. From our human instincts, if you were to come across something edible that is blue, it most likely has gone bad, like meat or mold. I think the video could have had more red, green, and yellow in it so that it seemed to be more food related when first looking at it. McDonalds does this, everything is red and yellow, reminding us of warm yummy food. I do understand that the video is about food labels so its not QUITE about food but its close enough. Appetizing colors could pop up when giving an example of healthy foods and labels that go along with them.

The video is trying to show off quick information about reading nutrition labels so that you can benefit for your health. I think the clean design and the uniform color scheme adds to this idea of being neat and clean about your health. The main thing that will show that this video is successful is how many views there are on the article and how many times it has been shared on social media. Since it is an in house video and not published on Youtube or social media its kind of hard to determine that.

Overall I thought this was a really cute video and one I enjoyed watching through to the end. I think its a great example of a native video for a health and fitness website, it holds some great ideas.

No Lie, This Has Been My Favorite Product Since I Was 15!

Hey everyone! Long time no post, I know, but I am back! It has been a crazy 7 months with planning a wedding, getting married, moving, starting a new job, EVERYTHING!

So today I wanted to share with you one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE products! Its a face moisturizer and sunscreen! I am so excited to write about this because I haven’t ever thought of it before, to write about it and post it for the world to see, and because it is so hard to find a wonderful moisturizer that actually works! So here we go 🙂

There are so many beauty products out there, so many to choose from. You don’t know how they are going to work with your skin and you don’t know the texture or how long it will stay in place. I have tried many and I ALWAYS come back to this one!

Drum roll please….

EltaMD UV Lotion Broad-Spectrum SPF 30+

This stuff is literally the best!

Let me tell you all the great things this moisturizer brings to the table:

  • Non greasy. This is a big one for me because I feel like many products say that they are non greasy or oil free but when I try them that’s exactly what they feel like and I feel lied to.
  • Tinted“. The main version I use is not truly tinted. It is a white lotion and contains zinc oxide so it is very good if you don’t want coverage like a foundation, but it will make your skin appear smoother and more clear because it has some tint
  • Sun Protection. SPF 30 is the right amount of protection, anything over does not protect you more than an SPF 30. I wear this when I go on hikes in the sun and to the desert where there is obviously no shade cover and it works amazing!
  • Smooth. This stuff just glides on the face!
  • Non scented. This has no perfumes
  • Absorb-able. My skin soaks it up in the dry Utah air! It does not sit on top of the skin like some moisturizers. Its refreshing as your skin takes it in
  • Does Not Clog Pores. This is also a big one for me because I have been battling serious acne and zits since I was in 4th grade. I do not want to put anything on my face that has the potential to clog my pores! I have had no problems with zits rising up because of this moisturizer.

If you are interested in trying it out for yourself, you can get it on Amazon. I would always buy it in my dermatologists office but I found it on Amazon and buy it there!

EltaMD UV Lotion Broad-Spectrum SPF 30+, 7.0 oz

This link is for the version I buy most frequently. They do have smaller sizes with higher SPF and tinted options but I find that this one is the best value.

The reason I want to share this info is because this product is amazing and deserves some recognition! I also have become a lot more interested in skin care as a possible career choice since it has been such a big part of my life. I love to share my favorite products with friends in hopes that they fall in love with them as much as I do!

Try it out and let me know what you think!

Thanks for reading!

Week 8, Day 2

Today has been very productive for my physically.I had some good inspiration to go to the gym this morning. I laid awake for way too long last night looking at workout clips from some of my favorite Instagram fitness champions. I went to the gym in the morning and had a good lift session. I was surprised I had enough energy after staying up until 1:30! The workout included squats, Arnold press on exercise ball, one-arm rows, stretches, and dumbbell reverse flies. I was sore walking up and down stairs around campus today! After my workout, I got all cute and dressied up for devotional. I wore a necklace that my grandma gave to me for my birthday. It’s a cute necklace with big rhinestones, but I never know what to wear with it! I wore it with a light colored jean button up and my black tulle skirt. It was such a  cute combo that I just threw together. After I was acceptably made up and dressed, I made my way to the MC for lunch with Mitchell. I brought with me my spinach salad, carrots, apple, and hard boiled egg. So healthy! Book of Mormon was after lunch, I actually enjoyed it this time. I love the Book of Mormon, but sometimes my teacher is not the most entertaining. He can be cryptic sometimes as well… After class I met with Mitchell for devo. Sister Stephens gave a great talk. I walked home afterward and now I’m typing this stuff up! Today has been healthy and productive 🙂 I am happy today. I just feel good.

I have been looking for good resources that can help me mix up my workouts and  found a great site. Here it is

Halcyones Bath

Handmade Solid Bubble Bath Bars

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