Week 4, Day 3

This past week has been hectic for me. I have fallen behind in my computer science class so I’ve been booked overtime for tutoring so that I can catch up. I like this class but it’s challenging. I also have long days at school. Since I was not expecting to stay here for winter semester and I registered for classes late, I got the late classes that were left over. I don’t mean to complain but its been a struggle trying to juggle homework and social life after I’m done with a long day. I’ve found myself praying more thoughtfully. At the end of each day I look back and think “Today wasn’t as bad as I thought it would have been” and I attribute that to God’s hand in my life. This has been a vital communication for me, especially in the past week where I really need comfort and a clear mind. I’m thankful for prayer and that I have the option to talk to my Father in Heaven.

Week 3, Day 7

Great day of communication. Went to church and only fell asleep a little. Got some great messages that are helping me to be better. I have come to love sacrament meeting a lot more than before. When I actually out thought into it, it becomes so much more meaningful and I have a spiritual experience. Today was one of those days. I also said many long needed prayers. I have also come to love praying for others. I want to help others and I always pray that my friends and family will be blessed in ways that they need and that they can find peace in their busy lives. I feel like it opens my heart up to those individuals and it also makes me be a better friend and listener for them in the future. When I am listening for certain things that are bugging them or that they are excited about, it helps me remember what I should say in my prayers for them. It helps me remember the little things in general, that they may not have thought I had caught. I know God hears me and this process improves my communication both with my Heavenly Father and with those close to me. Hope you enjoy reading my thoughts on communication, whether it applies to family, strangers, boys, friends, or to God, it’s always important to be open to communicate and to express what you have to say . I love keeping in contact with my God through prayer and seeing the relationship grow. I hope you can find the same thing too 🙂

Week 3, Day 4

I typed my last communication journal entry as I was waiting for an appointment I had with my visual media teacher. It was about our first project and I was very nervous! I had never used In design and didn’t know how my design would look to a professional. I typed that I had been down about my mental and personality progress. I’m glad to say that the communication that took place between my teacher and I went well and I had nothing to be worked up about. I had prayed to have a good experience and that all would go smoothly. Right after the meeting, I walked from the bottom of campus all the way up the hill to the LDS temple. It was so beautiful, although the temperature was about 2 degrees! All the trees were white with frost and the temple stood out against the deep blue sky. I met friends out front and we went into the quiet sacred place. I prayed the night before I would have an overall spiritual experience. I felt peaceful and like the day had slowed down so I could have a special and personal moment while in the temple. I felt like everything would be okay. I needed this and the Lord had heard me. I would say that my favorite communication of last night and this frosty morning were when I communicated with my Savior in prayer. It was especially wonderful to know that my prayers had been answered and that I am closer to being on track to becoming better. I’m glad I could make time for the Lord and the temple and have a testimony of His love for each of His children. Today has been great!

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