Google Advertising

Learned a lot about using Google Adwords and creating advertisements to show on Google. Its such a. Simple thing to create but it is challenging to fit your whole company or product into 3 or 4 lines and make an impact on potential buyers! Every word has to be precise and clean and the phrases have to flow. Your condensed message really has to grab attention but also reflect what you are selling well enough for people to stay interested. Starting out, I found it the most easy to grab attention with a sale headline of 15% off. I couldn’t think of much else and I feel like people wouldn’t be interested in my new site unless I had something to offer and differentiate from already established sites and companies. As I publish more ads I will see what works and what doesn’t. It was cool to experiment with this important part of running an online business. 

The END; Week 12, Day 4&5

Spongebob Rainbow...Imaginatioooon!
It’ll be all rainbows and sunshine when this weekend is over and done with!

The week wraps up… This is the final week I have to write daily journal blog posts! I know all of you have just had a blast reading about my daily woes and joys but hopefully I’ll continue on after this week! So now I’ll tell you about my crazy last few days…

Thursday: What a day! I was gone all day and it felt great o actually be busy and then tired at the end of the day. I mean I wouldn’t wish it on myself again soon but it was a productive day. I got up and went tot he store because I was craving cereal. I went to Walmart and got original Cap’n Crunch, some milk, and some bread. I as down to 8 dollars yesterday so now I have 1.50 until my direct deposit kicks in. I went home and feasted on the cereal. I haven’t had cereal in about a month. This is insanity! I love cereal and usually go through a  box or two a week. I am pretty impressed with myself for not eating it for a month. After Walmart I took Truckita through the car wash. My wash receipt was about to expire and the weather looks good for about a week so I thought I’d use it then. I vacuumed out the car too, it was way overdue! I had cinnamon sugar powder from when I was driving to Rexburg from Christmas in California. I went home and feasted and then got ready for the day. I went down to school to work a booth for Competitive Sports. The champ game is on Friday at 7:30 and we handed out popcorn and some t-shirts for the enthusiasts. I got a free tshirt too! I talked to Mitchell buddy that was working the table with me. He doesn’t even work for the Comp Sports, Mitchell just needed people for the table and told him he would buy him Pizza. We talked about nerdy superhero movies and the new ones coming up and other things like that. It was good conversation! Around lunchtime, Mitchell dropped off lunch for us. We got a subway sandwich and Stephen got his Little Caesars pizza. I munched and waited for Mitchell to come back but time was running out since I had to book it to class. Mitchell showed up and was like “I was waiting for you in the Taylor! I called you like 4 times.” I didn’t know! I said I was sorry and ran to class. Didn’t fall asleep in Book of Mormon  today. Went to the MC to get to the library afterward. I saw Ana there and she followed me to the library where I worked on my InDesign project. We talked and then I left to go home. While I was walking up toward home some kid with his jacket on backward walked up to me. I was freaked out for a second but it was just Mitchell trying to be funny! We walked to his car and he drove me the short rest of the way home. I did some homework for my portfolio project and then gathered my stuff and got in my car to go to Comm 100. I got there and class was really good. It talked about how to get form being a Comm major to becoming employed and what it takes. It will be a lot of work but I think it will be so fun learning about communications and business. I enjoyed class. After that, I went to the field with Hillary and another guy from our group in Comm 111. We started filming our running parts for the Juicy Fruit commercial. It got cold and the guy running was in a tank top! I talked to some of Hillary’s friends and he was cool. It was a fun interesting experience. i felt helpless since Hillary was doing all the filming and she knows what shes doing. I had a few small parts in the filming. I hold the gum up and say how good it is with a super cheesy smile. After we were done filing we had to runt o get the tripod to her friend who needed it for his job. He was photographing the Jane Austen dance in the ballroom. We ran all over campus trying to find the right place. The whole time Hillary had to pee. It was crazy. We got most of the filming down for the night. I went home and took a HUGE SIGH OF RELIEF. I started heating up dinner and then realized I had a lot more work to finish that night. I was exhausted and then I forgot I missed the draft critique I had scheduled with someone in the Spori building. I was ticked I had missed it but there was nothing I could do. I finished my work, got ready for bed and crashed!

Today is Friday. I woke up, ate the rest of the cereal, and did homework. Fun stuff. I know its going to be a busy day and I don’t know how I’m going to get it all done. I know I have the weekend to finish my Portfolio project but I just want to get it done as soon as possible. I need to hustle on my Brochure project but I’m in the same boat. I have limited funds to print everything I need and I don’t want to use all my ink in my printer. I am gearing up for a long day. I’m probably not going tot he Champ game. I’ve got a lot on my mind. i have to start packing soon. I want to start some personal projects on Photoshop, I want to see a good friend I’ve been missing but don’t know how to bring it up. I also don’t know what I’m doing when it comes time to move out. Its complicated and I know there people have worse problems but I don’t care! I am full Of stuff to do and I don’t want to mess it up. i want good grades and good relationships and I want a roof over my head. Idk, it will work its way out. Peace out friends!

EDM: New Music Releases and Other Noteworthy Artists

A new sub genre of music has recently risen in popularity in the last few years. Some know it as EDM (electronic dance music). Although EDM is a sub genre, there are many similar sub sub genres to it as well. These include trap, deep house, dubstep, and many other variations. I love all these! My personal Soundcloud account is full of all kinds of EDM music. This is funny because I am NOT  a rave kind of girl or a partier in any sense. I am pretty introverted and like my circle of close friends. There isn’t too much that appeals to me about going to music festivals for EDM that are riddled with drugs, weirdos, and close sweaty bodies. Aside from me being borderline antisocial, I like this genre of music and follow it regularly. I would have to say my favorite artist is Dillon Francis, straight up! I also find quality mixes from Steve Aoki, Diplo, Yellowclaw, and Caked Up.

First, I think their stories are pretty cool! Dillon Francis is my fave, so we’ll start there. I don’t know too much on his back story but I do know how he markets himself. Dillon Francis has an Instagram account and a Snapchat where his stories are public. Francis uses good PR skills to connect with his fans. His IG account includes funny videos making fun of “real facts” and are just totally random. This may not sound like a great marketing strategy but the target market is teens and young adults, so the nature of the videos match up. Totally random and smart-alecky. It’s so entertaining! Francis also posts pics from his concerts with oh so cool filters and captions. These are to promote his tour. His Snapchat story is quite the hoot as well. Snapchat(dillonfrancis)

Both Steve Aoki and Diplo are amazing artists as well.  Aoki has started his own record label called Dim Mak. It’s interesting because Dim Mak actually means “touch of death”. Cool or threatening? Either way, Aoki has become famous around the world for his music. This is quite the anomaly because music is generally regional within reason. Since most EDM music has no words or any significant language to it, its mostly beats, the music is transferable across languages and regions. Diplo has started a similar career. He too travels around the world for shows and has also created his own label, Mad Decent. With this he can promote his work and sell clothing and other products to label himself and his work.

Some people might think that these artists are just punks who make repetitive and annoying music, but obviously they’re doing something right! This music has rocketed in popularity. Many EDM type songs are seen in the top charts and many new pop songs coming out have electronic elements to them, incorporating the electronic sound into parts of the songs. Whether you like it or not, EDM is coming to the forefront of music. Its great music to gt you going, perfect for a workout session to get you pumped, or just good listening!

Here’s some cool links! You might wanna check them out if you want to be one of the cool kids

Diplo’s new album with Skrillex

Dillon Francis on Soundcloud

Dillon Francis remix of “Where Did I Go?”

Dillon Francis “Not Butter”

Awesome Two Hour Mix from Aoki and Torro Torro on Diplo’s BBC Channel “Diplo and Friends” (I love these two hour mixes! Great for a workout if you find a good one, then you don’t have to click through bad songs, its all good and in one song!)

Steve Aoki’s “Boneless” remix with Chris Lake and Tujamo

Disclaimer: Not my photo, and all music is not guaranteed to be 100% squeaky clean. Listen at your own risk. Feel free to comment any corrections also.

Week 8, Day 4

Tired. That’s what I am today. I fell asleep in both of my classes today. I guess my body is trying to tell me that 1:30 bedtime is not good! I got 8 hours of sleep but it wasn’t the usual 8 hours, so I think that’s what got me. I will be honest, I had a lot of free time today and I totally squandered it. I don’t even know what I did with it either! I did clean up my room, that was much needed, but other than that I don’t know what I did while I did nothing productive. After I got home from class at 6, I got down to work. I made my rough draft for my Visual Media project. It didn’t look too bad for just one hour of work! I went and did the critique with a girl from my class. We met in the Spori and talked over the projects. It went well but I always feel like my work looks plain compared to hers. She always has cute spunky fun ideas for her projects and I am envious of her creativity. After the critiques, Mitchell and I worked on homework in the lounge at his complex. I got a few things done and started my cover pages collage thing for Interpersonal. They are the cover pages for the portfolio we will compile at the end of the semester. I went home at 12 and continued working on my pages. I stayed up until 2 working on one page! I’m hoping I will be able to finish them tomorrow morning so I can print and laminate them in time for class… Wish me luck!

Week 2 Day 6

Communication. This fun little verb got me a volunteer job the other day. I am in a class that is the introduction to Communication and at the beginning a guy came in to push competitive sports and volunteers to help promote it at our school. So I wrote down his contact info, maybe I’d get around to calling him about helping out. Few days later, a friend of mine is going through my little blue planner and he sees the number written down. He tells me to call another guy about a similar volunteer offer. I get some meeting details from my friend and shoot for the best at the meeting. Friday. I show up to the meeting and the main guy that my friend told me to find, he has no idea who I am which was somewhat embarrassing but that’s college, ya know… I’m in. I’m on thew team for marketing and research to help boost the attendance of competitive sports at BYU Idaho! I thought it was so cool that I could witness this small scale “networking” occurrence happen to me. I’m also happy that I’ll be getting some volunteer and resume work done as well. I’m ALSO excited because the guy that referred me and helped me out is way cute and will be working on the same project with me. Score for communication!

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